
  • CAAS Services

Office Location

US, California

Vinita Soin


Vinita has over 16 years of experience working with several clients providing CAAS services. She has expertise in client acquisition and engagement strategy and has been a consulting V.P. Finance/ CFO for a number of SMBs. She has also provided due diligence support during Fundraising and M&A
sell-side to multiple clients.

Prior to joining KNAV, Vinita helped build a team of 100+, developed processes to provide CAAS services to 500+ clients.

How Vinita helps in achieving Above & Beyond?

As Practice Director – CAAS Services, , Vinita helps drive growth and market presence in the CAAS practice area and expand recognition of KNAV in target markets. Vinita’s focus is on enhancing KNAV’s services and to deliver exceptional value to the clients.